Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ann Arbor

Enthusiastic crowd on a Monday night in Ann Arbor. This was voted the "Folk Club of the Year", so I sang them the "Song of the Year." It was freezing weather outside, winter holding on in Michigan. Sold a lot of Charles Bukowski prints. The American political race for once tonight is an interesting horse race. Here we are in frozen Milwaukee with a night off. Looking for a place to have a Martini. Last night I sang the new song "Criminology" about all the times I've had a gun pointed at my head. It went over. Stopped at a Borders and bought an Amy Winehouse CD to check it out, also discovered a Penny Lang record, that Gretchen Peters turned me on too. I think it's called "Sun, Sea, Silence", something like that. But it's got two great covers of Rosalie Sorrells songs on and a cover of Dylans "One Too Many Mornings." Funky production, really worth checking out. She's been around a long time, you can feel the miles in her voice. Over and out.


Shirley said...

Dear Newlyweds-on your wedding day, I got 6 great pictures, and I wanted to print them, but the whole message has disappeared - I can't find the pictures anyway. Can you tell me where they disappeared to?

Also when is the new album coming out? It sounds like you have enough new songs for one. Can't wait

Shirley said...

Sorry-that's Shirley Kelley, in case you were wondering.

Shirley said...

And last but not least, ENJOY!!!!